

Crooked teeth

Fix crooked teeth with Shapdpro Aligner in just 3–12 months.


What are crooked teeth?

Crooked teeth can present in different ways. Typically, non-uniformly aligned teeth in the jaw are classified as crooked. Additionally, teeth that are tipped, rotated, or have grown in the wrong position also fall under this category.

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Types of overbite

Tipped teeth
Tipped teeth usually result in teeth that are crooked and overlapping within their row.
Crowded teeth
If there's too little space in the jaw, teeth will bump up against each other, overlap and become crooked.

Why correct crooked teeth?

If just one tooth is crooked, it's usually not medically necessary to take any action. In these cases it's more about aesthetic considerations. Depending on the severity of crookedness, however, one may experience the following issues:

Increased risk of cavities, impaired oral hygiene
Unharmonious smile
Speech impairment

How Aligners correct crooked teeth

In most cases, crooked teeth can be corrected with invisible braces. How it works:

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Every 2 weeks you switch to a new Aligner tray.
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Each Aligner tray pushes the teeth slightly more in the desired direction.
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Your crooked teeth will be corrected in 3 to 12 months.
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Advantages of ShapdPro Aligner

Removable at any time
Barely visible and discreet
Fast results

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